Why the name Future & We?

My Mission:

I believe that:

"Presence of Mind Indicates Degree of Actions"

About me

I am Manish, I my always ready and willing to manage plenty of time for pursuing the things I want at the very cost of even sacrificing my sleep. Once I was going through Mr. Gate's blog wherein they were hosting the interview with Dr.Siddharth Mukherjee wherein both were discussing about the "AI in Medical Field" specifically about "DNA Editing" which you also can have a look at Interview Between Mr. Gates and Mr. Mukherjee and the progress, some countries are leaf-frogging. I was amused by the insane level of technology we are building for our future generations. As we say, there "I connected my Dot" and there is how I realized that whatever I was learning is outdated and I needed to reconsider my decision for my ptofessional journey ahead which was otherwise going to start in some months back then. Here's how I got attracted towards these data oriented technological field.

I am always curious for finding the diamonds out of the received info and credulous enough in taking bold and legitimate decision required wherein for improving the performance of systems under my vigilance. I strongly beleive that if we could connect Data Science with the Hardwares, we could create wonders. Autonomous Vehicles, and Humanoid Robot are some of these wonders which we are developing.