In India, annually nearly 5,00,000 road-accidents occurs accounting to 1,50,000 precious lives. Hence, my team's aim was to reduce nearly 75% of such road-accidents occuring to multiple reason, which majorly caused by Driver's Fault, Road-Ragging, Mishap occuring at Blind Spots majorly and upon complete development would eradicate the oportunities for theives to steal our vehicle.
It is an extremely futuristic project wherein, the entire mechanical system of power distribution to the rear wheels is promised to be replaced with the Electrical Drives which would results into reducing the great amount of power-loss as occuring in mechanically driven differentals
It is one of the best regression model that I have implemented and practiced for practicing the application of keras, time-series plotting.
It is one of the most challenging model I have implemented for classifying the reviews given by the customers as good or bad(Feedback for Improvement), wherein I learnt the concept of Sparse matrix processing, keras, Re Library
The model was completely learning intensive and was my first , wherein I gt an awesome exposure to the use of Tensors, Keras library, and the most importantly how the convolution works.
Based on set of the inputs for the passengers voyaging in the Titanic in 1912, prediction for their chance of survival was expected. Herein, I learned practically by applying my knowledge of regression models.
I would recommend every one to be a part of these extreme model which completely teaches us about the concept of encoding and data explorations and taking decision while exploiting info from the data. It included nearly 75 Variable which needed to be explored in the process of House-Selling Price Regression.
It was the second implementation podium for my earlier work wherein, as we use twitter now-a-days and share our messages which are now-a-days being explored to predict for the possible mishap which has occured or lying in future for us nd our loved one's, wherein I was grilled completely during implementing the model which was filled complicated tweets needed to be filttered out.